Latest News
We are excited to announce that we are now a Neosid ferrite distributor. Click link below to view more about them.
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Manufacturing Services
Elna’s manufacturing services is fully staffed with seasoned engineers and experienced machinists. Our in-house manufacturing facility is continuously updated with cutting edge equipment, resulting in quality products and short lead times for our customers.
Custom Machining
The custom machining team has the capability to satisfy all your special core requirements that standard pressed and fired products can’t.
The gapping team provides core-gapping services for all Elna supplied cores: Fair-Rite Products, Ferroxcube, Magnetics Inc.,EPCOS, Micrometals and TSC Ferrite International.
Elna Magnetics’ manufacturing facility perfoms high quality, multi-step assemblies with excellent quality control. This team is designed to bridge the gap between prototype and production of magnetic assemblies.